My mom is awesome and certainly gets my “most influential” award. She recently told me that she went to a psychic. “Really?” I said. (no surprise, actually— she is very spiritual and open minded).

Now when your mom says they went to a psychic, you have to ask, “what’d they say about me?”. This is in part because I will never go to a psychic. I believe in their ability, but think there are powers at play that may not be good (like Vader’s dark side).

The psychic said that I am a very good photographer and I could almost hear music coming through the camera when shooting.

I don’t know about that, but when the images are flowing, I really do feel something. There is a unique energy and it can’t be replicated. There is also a bit of a dance that happens. . .  certainly with people photos. If I could hear music, that’d be pretty cool though.